Listening closely into what is your why. Having the drive to accomplish more on a deeper level is more important then material possessions. The material possessions may make you happy for a time, however it will not be fulfilling for the long term. What cause and impact drives you? It must be much further then the surface level.
Take time to see your life in hindsight to create a better life
Develop your imagination, your mind, and solutions to what your current issues are. Too many people don't sit back and look at life as a whole. If we never take time to look at our life as a whole, we never improve the quality of life we hold in every moment to cherish on being alive.
Understand your Strengths - And know your weaknesses
You must understand both in the balance. Focus on what you are great on. You will succeed when you match up your team with what they love to do in order to save your time. Your time is your most expensive investment. Spend it wisely and in what you value the most.
With rejection, remember there are much better doors to open for you.
When I first came in the gallery scene I was rejected many times. Don't take it personally. Always interview and get to know the business owners. Just because the business may look great on the outside or online doesn't mean it is a great business to work with. Getting to know the business owner opens so many doors to understanding how they operate. Always look for more opportunities to grow consistently.
Quality of Your life
Become aware to your body more by listening. The better you take care of yourself in your earlier years over time will reap so many benefits. The better you feel the more can give it all you have in accomplishing your dream. In feeling so much better you will have a higher quality of life, more energy, stronger, faster, more cognitive ability in functioning. By having the ability to fully function is the strong point to making better choices. You want to look back and say, I am glad I made this lifelong decision instead of regret.
Start Small To Work Your Way Up.
Remember, everyone has to decide to start. I started with 25 feet of wire and worked my way up to 1/2 of a mile. Work on your vision and put in the work. You may not see it now however keep on hustling. The avalanche starts with a snowball. Find a deeper meaning in what you do to create an impact. My goal is make 500 million. 200 million will go to arts to empower artists to express their self. Freedom of expression is so important. When you find a vehicle to build a voice it empowers who you are.
Building relationships over the long term
Think of what you want to build over the long term. Look at where you can create the best solutions by issues in the current market. Tell yourself this is worth your time by investing in helping the best clients in your industry. I create high value for all of my clients since I care about your well being.
Believe In Your Vision
Work on your vision everyday to create your world for others to experience it. Build yourself up, take time to make goals and see where you are by taking inventory.
Build Your own Strong Foundation
Instead of claiming victim hood, claim your are victorious. There are so many negative sub conscience messages which control our actions and or lack. You have to take responsibility in your actions or lack there of. Build yourself up by testing your ability. Be patient. It's worth the investment of time. Remember, your time is more valuable then any material possession.
Courage - We must have this.
Every day we must read empowering books, listen to great uplifting music and messages. What you surround yourself with will reflect from you. Be careful in what you allow in. From time to time take inventory of does this benefit anyone and or yourself.
Put on your armor so you will be able to hold even in the most challenging times. They normally come when you least expect it. When you prepare yourself ahead of time, you will be able to overcome what obstacle which comes your way.