Contemplating the loss of my best friend was one of biggest asteroid strikes I had growing up and also from the huge difference in community and culture from moving. At one time, I had the “Why him and why not take me thought process. I never got a chance to say goodbye and or make things right before he passed away in the car accident.
Grief and the loss of loved ones who you love so much and have given a commitment to is a large loss and shift in life. We need to be taught how to process grief since the longer we are here it is inevitably going to happen. We hope ourselves and loved ones are going to live much longer if not forever however there is no guarantee. Remember to take care of yourself so you can get the most out of what time you have left. Time is your most valuable asset. Once it is gone there no way of it coming back even for the richest person in the world.
I am here to be a solution for people in working through and processing grief by redefining life events. I know your loved ones want the best for you and to put a glowing smile on you daily