Tough Times Happen/Learn From The Experiences

In life there will always be changes. Sometimes it will be unexpected and others you have to be ready for. Always leave on good grounds with everyone as much as you can. You never know somewhere or another you may run into them at some point or another. Be willing to help the people who you are temporarily breaking away from at this time. You want others who you have had a relationship with for years to have good things to say about you no matter if you are in front of them or not. Take the time to understand where others are coming from. When others feel you understand them, they are more open to being welcoming. Also know there are better opportunities in other places in due time. Be patient and continuously put in the work.

Take Great Care Of Yourself

I was really sick the day before christmas. When you have your health you don't realize how important it is until you don't have it. Please take great care of yourself now. You want to have an awesome life which to be able to function, mentally, physically, emotionally, and other areas the best you can in what little time you have. I am far from perfect however, the process to get better happens every day. It is up to you to choose in having a higher quality of life each step of the way. By eating, drink enough water, getting exercise,sleep and more you will know since you have much more energy. Everyone no matter where you are from desires more energy. Reflect today, in how you can improve your life even with the small steps.

What Makes You Keep On Getting Back Up?

The question we must ask ourselves is, What keeps me going every day no matter what kind of day am I having? There will be times of when you are so sick you physically want to collapse how ever when you find a meaning and mission for your life, you will have the endurance to keep on going. As an artist, I enjoy encouraging others no matter what walk of life they are coming from. The main common denominator is we are all human. I see myself as the other person and think of what can I do for this person who needs me in their life through the work I create. Serving others through the true you is a gift the world needs more of. Examine yourself and push yourself to be the best you can. 

This Year Is Your Time To Overcome

We all have something we wish we would have done many years ago. Say to yourself, enough is enough, it is time to change. Yes, it will be difficult to finally face it head on. You have to see it as the best decision for the long run once you have decided to move on it. Do you have want to look at your life as a whole with gratification or regret? This is up to you. I want to see you happy and productive every day you are here on earth.

Use Your Adverse Situation As A Powerful Story For Others To Create A New Life

The more you are seen as authentic and real with those who encounter you the more impact you will make. Your story is the key to so many things. The main thing is what is your story telling others? It is the mirror image you see from your mind projected outwardly. Think of what are you overcoming and investing in. Your time is the most precious asset you have more then money it self. Invest in the story you create every day. Decades from now you will either be so happy about your life as a whole or see it as regret. Every day is your choice.

Take Time To Rest Your Mind, Body, Soul

In the fact, I wish my body could keep on going without any rest. In reality, everyone has to have rest. It may not happen now or soon. Eventually, your body, mind, and soul will crash when you don't give it enough time to heal and rest. We all want to accomplish so much more in the little time we have.  Listening to peaceful and healing music is what has helped me to regenerate and sleep better. When you feel better, your results are better since you can enjoy what you achieve much more. 

Encourage Others - We All Have Our Own Trials

Everyone has their own battles and trials and we don't know what they are going through. Many people keep what they are experiencing to their own self. One the biggest reasons why I do the work I create is to be there for them in the time they need me. We all lose someone we love so much and or are dealing family who have addiction of some kind. With these addictions it separates these families along with seeing your loved one destroying their life. The best thing you can do is to be a supporter of great things in their life. You can influence them to want to change in time, however, people will change in their terms. Show them there is an open door waiting for them.


Get To Know Your Current And Potential Clients

Take the time to get to know your current and potential clients. When you don't take the time to get to knowing your clients and potential clients, you miss a huge area in servicing them. People like to purchase from others who they like, know, and trust. Realize this, it will take time to build trust with your potential clients. If you sell sell sell and not understand where there needs are and what they have deeper connections with you will make them run off and have nothing to do with you. Understand this, it has to be over the time long term to be successful and it all starts with relationships.

Find The Cause You Have A Strong Connection To Belief In

When you are in a difficult spot, you can understand where others are coming from you are more willing to see yourself as others being in your situation. We all have issues through out life. There are times to step in and help others. There has been times of when I was stranded, dead tired about to collapse, down pouring rain, and pushing a 2 ton truck by myself to home because it wouldn't start. I sat down to rest for a few minutes. Then a man stopped and said, "Do you need a push home?" I said Yes it would save me from calling a tow truck for one mile and paying $50 in which I didn't have much back then. I was so happy to have someone come out and help me in my time of need. I am very grateful and am glad to repay it back to others. Remember what you put out is what will return back to you. Put out the best and you will receive the best.

Take Time To Zone Into Happiness And The Process

Focus on happiness even in the challenging times. I know how it is to wish you could spend more time with your family however, it order to get the results you have to be willing to put in the time and dedication. There are times of where i do miss my family since I work a lot. I do wish they would think as I do and join me however, they choose to think as they do.  I can't make them do anything. It is up to their own personal choice. I can suggest in the way I see fit. Maybe some day they will finally understand.