Time is the commodity you will wish you could get back once it is gone. Do you find yourself frustrated at how much you have to do meanwhile need more things to get to done? There comes a place where you have to ask yourself, where am I spending most of time at? Am I really happy with the time I have already spent? Is this giving me fulfillment and value?
We have to have this realization of scheduling the day in getting done what really matters. We only have so much time in a day. It could be a since of you needing to get up earlier while all is quieter and clearer in the mind. Sleepless nights can be a haunting issue mentally, emotionally, and definitely physically in energy levels while thinking of regret in wishing you could have gotten certain things accomplished. You have to say, No, to the people who are there to distract you. Distractions are what causes you to waste so much time. This includes online, face to face, waiting in line, waiting on customer service of any certain business to respond. Do work while you are waiting and keep conversations direct. Your time is the most precious asset.