Today, I was talking to another artist. Her show got rained out. She was feeling sick. I said to her, I'd like to help you in many other social media outlets to help her get out there. The more you limit your venues, the more you limit your sales. She said, it is not worth it to expand. I said, it is worth it when you raise your prices. Honestly, your perception of weither you can or can't is strictly up to you. Too many people don't see how much the limiting self beliefs are impacting their current and past results.
I personally have been there. Yes, it is not good and the hard times happens. When I have shows or festivals in which get rained out, I think to myself, how can I turn this around to become more productive. Go out there and network. You never know, someone who knows someone else can create another event to rebound or another connection at a later point.