People Will Only Only Change Under Their Own Terms

Countless times, I have talked to many people who when I have mentioned my art business, they look in disbelief and ask how much money do I make in all kinds of forms. Most have never had a business let alone an art business. A high percentage of the time, people will only believe what they want because of being in a comfort zone rather then consistent learning new skills.

I love my family, however they do not support me as a visual artist nor understand it. I don’t expect them to. If my family wants to understand in due time great, if not I am good either way. I have to separate myself from them in order to grow. Doing my mission is more important then what my family or any other person thinks.

An art business is a totally different animal compared to any convential business. Yes certain parts of it you have to do like a convential business such as inventory, labor, taxes, material cost, health insurance, life insurance, workman’s comp. plus the cost of tools, and the wear/tear equipment upkeep over time. Also getting quality equipment to last. Getting too cheap equipment may save money upfront however in the long run it will cost you more in the long run from replacing it. I had to learn the hard way.
