Choose To Be With Who Highly Value You

Decide to build up your circle of support. Pay close attention to what others say and responses toward the important things you value. If they don’t value what you are doing and your mission separate yourself in order to grow.

One time, I offered to help someone come up with solutions for them. The individual complained and seemed very desperate in having money coming in. After sharing our personal mission to one another plus gave a ton of things to start with, This individual started to question if I knew what I was doing. Clearly what you aren’t doing isn’t helping you. Why question the person who is honestly dedicating their invaluable time they will never get back to help you. It doesn’t make any sense to do so. We all supposed to support each other through the good times and the challenging times.

Choose the people who challenge you do better for yourself. I understand those people are far and few. Once you have one of those in your court, keep them as long as possible and challenge them where they are at. Encourage them since you don’t know what they are doing through. It could be health issues, family issues and more. Everyone needs someone to be there and give them outside perspective.

Are you looking for quality people to grow your network together. I am here to be supportive and show you how it can be done instead of how it can''t be done. The present time is the most invaluable. Make the most of now.. You owe it to yourself. Pick yourself up. The world needs your authentic self.
