Staying Well In All Seasons

This came to my attention too many people are focused on medication, and drugs to fix their immune system. You can easily strengthen your immune system in order to stay well. Get enough quality sleep 6 to 8 hours a night on a regular schedule, cut your sugar out of your diet. Sugar will lower your immune system for 48 to 72 after you eat it. Make bone broth soup with fresh garlic, fresh onion, fresh ginger, carrots, potatoes, fresh cilantro, parsley, oregano, turmeric, add a drop of oil of oregano a bowl. Make sure you pick a quality wild oil of oregano. It will work much better on much less. Having a hot fresh meal will help you to get better. Make sure to add clean filtered water bone broth.

Also after consuming this, you will want to take 85 billion or more cultures of probiotics at bed time. Do not consume at the same time of garlic, onion, and or oregano. Also Kombucha is a great to drink earlier in the day. Don’t drink it around bed time since has natural caffeine in the black and white tea. By mindful of how much sugar is in the drinks. Also eating indian curry will really help you to feel well very quickly. Fresh Lemon water, grapefruit in small quality will help you along with apple cider vinegar and cinnamin. Vitamin K2/D3 together is important to take every day. Vitamin D3 very powerful and getting twenty minutes a day will help you in strengthening your immune system.

In the event of you getting sick as soon as you feel it coming on immediately The faster you give your best defenses, the faster you will get well. If you wait then much more time it will take to get well and recover from the sickness. Also always stay active to boost your overall health Talk to your doctor to make sure these are options for you. I believe in less to no medication is better. Stay strong and heathy.
