Part TIme Or Full Time?

I have been asked countless of times when presenting my work this question. The right question is how can I help you and benefit you. Too many people like to label everything in their perspective then actually challenging their value system. People say, I can’t afford this or that or the other. Why not ask, what do I have to do in order to afford is being seeked. Everyone has a point of transition in beliefs and or perception changes over the decades. As you honestly look at the difference among people.

Why ask a self lmiting question to yourself and or to others? In fact, why not question the questions you are asking. The quality of your questions will become the answer you find. Instead of only looking at the hours you work and or dedicate to your mission why not ask the question of, how many people did I impact. Also the better you do, the more trolls you will come across. i found this out personally. Don’y feed the trolls to get a rise out of you when you are putting in your best work and effort with doing the life’s mission.

Remember where you came from and to never go back as a force tp push you forward.